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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > Storage_reagent > Immunox/Gold gp41 HIV-1 MN(大肠杆菌)/1091-G
商品详细Immunox/Gold gp41 HIV-1 MN(大肠杆菌)/1091-G
Immunox/Gold gp41 HIV-1 MN(大肠杆菌)/1091-G
Immunox/Gold gp41 HIV-1 MN(大肠杆菌)/1091-G
商品编号: 1091-G
品牌: immunodx
市场价: ¥13100.00
美元价: 6550.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 储存液
公司分类: Storage_reagent
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

Product Specifications:

Item#1091-G:rgp41 HIV-1 MN Conjugated to Colloidal Gold

 Concentration: 25ug protein

 Volume/vial: 1ml Gold Conjugate

 Diluent: 10mM Tris, pH 8; 5% BSA; 0.05 PEG; 0.02% NaN3 

 Storage: 4°C

 Stability: At least 3 months at 4°C Minimum

 Dilution: 1 : 50

 Application: HIV-1 Diagnostics, Antigen Capture, Dot Blot Assay-Anti-gp41 Antibody Binding, Immunohistochemistry. 

 Description: rgp41 HIV-1 MN conjugated to Colloidal Gold (45nm mean particle size).

 Coupling Ratio: OD 520nm = 10; protein content approximately 25µg.

Specificity: Gold conjugated rgp41 binds to murine monoclonal antibodies of defined epitope specificity and human polyclonal antibodies as determined by dot blot assays.

 Biological Activity: Not determined.

 Application and Instructions for use:

 Recommended dilutions for use are approximate values. A dose dependent response assay should be performed to determine the optimal concentration for use in specific applications. 1. Dot blot assays may be performed in 1 : 50 dilution range depending on the concentration of solid phase antibody in the test system. Antigen capture assays are performed with solid phase antigen in concentrations of 1ug or more using HIV-1 converted serum for antigen cross linking. 2. Immunohistochemical studies may be performed in 1 : 50 dilution range.

 Related Products:

 Item#: 1091-P Peroxidase-Conjugated rgp41 HIV-1 MN

 Application: Human diagnostics.

 Item#: 1091-F Flourescene-Conjugated rgp41 HIV-1 MN

 Application: FACS analysis, Histocytology.

 Item#: 1091-M Magnetically-Coupled rgp41 HIV-1 MN

 Application: Human diagnostics, Human B and T-cell panning
