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商品详细Immunox/人抗gp120 HIV-1单克隆抗体/3501
Immunox/人抗gp120 HIV-1单克隆抗体/3501
Immunox/人抗gp120 HIV-1单克隆抗体/3501
商品编号: 3501
品牌: immunodx
市场价: ¥21000.00
美元价: 10500.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 微球标准品
公司分类: microsph
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

Product Specification:

Item# 3501: Human Anti-gp120 HIV-1 Monoclonal Antibody 

Antibody Class: IgG 

Concentration: See vial 

Mass/vial: 100µg 

Purity: >95% 

Stabilizer: None

Preservative: None

Physical State: Frozen Liquid

Storage: -75°C

Stability: At least 12 months at -75°C

Application: ELISA, Western ELISA, Immunoprecipitation, Immunohistochemistry, HIV-1 Neutralization,  

Description: High affinity Human anti-gp120 HIV-1 mAb. Human-mouse chimera produced in human myeloma cell line in culture.

Specificity: Binds to CD4 binding region of gp120.

Biological Activity: Neutralizes HIV-1 IIIB at 1-10µg/ml as determined by syncycium assays with CD4-bearing HIV-1 IIIB infected cells and co-cultures of infected PBLs.

Application and Instructions for use: 

Recommended dilutions for use are approximate values. A dose dependent response assay should be performed to determine the optimal concentration for use in specific applications. ELISA may be performed at 10-100ng/ml of mAb depending on the amount of immobilized antigen in the assays. Western ELISA requires 1-5µg of mAb/ml. Neutralization assays are performed in 1-10µg/ml range depending on virus TCID.

Caution: Avoid use of needles and ensure proper laboratory safety precautions are in place for the use of this product.
