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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > RNA_library_preparation > immunodx/Murine mAb 38kD Antigen/115-30
商品详细immunodx/Murine mAb 38kD Antigen/115-30
immunodx/Murine mAb 38kD Antigen/115-30
immunodx/Murine mAb 38kD Antigen/115-30
商品编号: 115-30
品牌: immunodx
市场价: ¥7200.00
美元价: 3600.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: RNA文库制备试剂盒
公司分类: RNA_library_preparation
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

Product Specifications:

Item# 115-30: Murine anti-38kD TB Antigen Monoclonal Antibody

 Antibody Class: IgG Clone 8D2

 Concentration: See vial 

 Mass/vial: 100µg

 Purity: >95%

Stabilizer: None

Preservative: None

Physical State: Frozen Liquid

Storage: -75°C

Stability: At least 24 months at -75°C

Applications: ELISA, Western ELISA, Immunoprecipitation

Description: High affinity murine anti-38kD TB Antigen mAb.

Specificity: Binds to 38kD TB antigen as determined by Elisa/Western Elisa. This mAb shows reactivity with native 38kD TB antigen – M. tuberculosis cell lysates.

 Biological Activity: Not determined.

 Application and Instructions for use:

 Recommended dilutions for use are approximate values. A dose dependent response assay should be performed to determine the optimal concentration for use in specific applications. ELISA may be performed at 1ug/ml of mAb depending on the amount of immobilized antigen in the assays. Western ELISA requires 1-5µg of mAb/ml.

Definition of murine antibodies:

Antibodies, also called immunoglobulins, make up the main part of the specific endogenous defence. They are made by the immune system in response to substances which are foreign to the organism (antigens = antibody generating). Donor organisms like mice and rats are being used for the production of specific antibodies. Those are referred to as murine (belonging to the family muridea = rodents) antibodies.
