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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > Plant_antigen > Immunox/重组寨卡病毒NS1蛋白(大肠杆菌)/1 mg/10003
商品详细Immunox/重组寨卡病毒NS1蛋白(大肠杆菌)/1 mg/10003
Immunox/重组寨卡病毒NS1蛋白(大肠杆菌)/1 mg/10003
Immunox/重组寨卡病毒NS1蛋白(大肠杆菌)/1 mg/10003
商品编号: 10003
品牌: immunodx
市场价: ¥7900.00
美元价: 3950.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 植物抗原
公司分类: Plant_antigen
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

Product Specifications:

Item# 10003: Recombinant Zika NS1 Protein (E.coli)

Concentration: See vial 

Mass/vial : 1mg 

Diluent : 50mM NaPO4, pH7.5

Purity : >95%

Stabilizer :None

Preservative: None

Storage: -750C

Physical State: Frozen Liquid

Stability: At least 2 years at -750C

Applications: Elisa/Western Elisa, Diagnostics.

Description: Synthetic Zika NS1 DNA sequence expressed in the E.coli Expression System.

Purification: This protein was purified by aqueous solvent extraction and preparative electrophoresis to >95% purity as determined by SDS-PAGE, reduced. MW: approx. 44kD.

Specificity: This protein binds to Zika converted human serum polyclonal antibodies and cross reacts with Dengue virus converted human serum polyclonal antibodies as determined by Elisa and Western analyses. Zika specific monoclonal antibody binding analysis pending.

Application and Instruction for use

Recommended concentrations for use are approximate values. Elisa is performed in 1-2ug/ml protein range for tittering Dengue virus converted human polyclonal antibodies. Concentrations if 1-2mg/ml (1-2ul/cm) are recommended for Lateral Flow Diagnostics.
